Sunday, June 2

After coming back to our host families last night, our group split into two parties where we had a delicious dinner of spaghetti, danced to Bachata and Cumbia, and played with our host siblings and cousins. After a fun night, we slept in and had a relaxing morning where we played games and helped our families cook lunch and milk cows. 

In the afternoon, we were given an informative and interactive talk about Costa Rica's botany by the local expert, Jaime. We learned about medicinal plants that can cure various illnesses like diarrhea, upset stomach, nausea, cancer, and constipation. What was the most fun however, was the eating; we had coconut water spilled all over our clothes, we marveled at a magical seed that made a super sour fruit taste sweet, and had an anesthetic leaf that made our mouths feel like we had a nine-volt battery held on our tongue. 

We're super excited to go back to our host families for dinner with a bonfire and smores to follow. 

We are all shocked we only have five days left in Costa Rica and are savoring every moment of it! 

Nos vemos pronto, 

Isha and Joaquin 

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