Departing Soon!

Welcome to almost Costa Rica! We are all so excited to jumpstart this adventure but, of course, also a bit nervous about some things at the same time. Today, we discussed everything from our poop consistency to our fears about the upcoming three weeks. Our group, from different grades and friend groups, began bonding and we are excited to start forming close relationships with one another. 

We split into groups by our birthdays, made handshakes, and took awkward holiday card photos. We also chose songs that reflect our feelings about the upcoming trip, including "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley, "Time of Our Lives" by Pitbull, and "La Bamba" by Ritchie Valens. Additionally, we celebrated the birthdays of Lily Nye and Matias Estay by singing a not-so-great rendition of "Happy Birthday."

 Now, we are off to packing and panicking about potential items we may have left behind. We are all so excited to begin our three-hour flight to Texas and then our final descent to Costa Rica. 

Get ready and get excited!

Jordana and Evan

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